20 most common Filipino words that you might want to know

A few words used in modern-day Filipino vernacular actually have quite the head-turning (or, at the very least, brain-tickling) origins. Words like these:
1. Diskarte: This word is the Filipino counterpart to the English “cunning”. I’m pretty sure “diskarte” traces its origins from French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes — the guy who immortalized the power and importance of a sharp mind with the words “Cogito ergo sum” (Latin: “I think, therefore I am”).

2. Kumusta: Our generic greeting actually comes from — yup! — the Spanish “Como estas?”

3. Jack-en-poy: Known in the West as “rock-paper-scissors”, both the designation and the game itself are Japanese in origin, where it goes by “jan-ken-pon” or just “janken”.

Solution: I can't text more than 80/80 using my Samsung smart phone.

My friend ask me on why on earth he cannot text more than 80 words in his Samsung note 1. So in this article for the benefit also of those people who do not know how to solve this problem allow me to give you the solution.


1. Limited texting (80/80)
2. If you texted beyong the prescribed limits the message will not be sent.
3. Can't register to any unlimited texting promo.

How to connect your Samsung Android Phone to your Computer without Installing Kies.

Kies which was the original an acronym for K.I.E.S which means "Key Intuitive easy sytem" is a free software application which was being used by Samsung Android Phone users in order to connect their Smart phone to their computer.

So in this article,  I will show you an alternative way of connecting your Smart Phone without using KIES. 
To cut the chase short all you have to do is to download a driver that is compatible to your smart phone and this driver is this:

Forrest Gump: Best lines and Quotes

Originally, I want to write a summary about the movie. But since the film is so extra ordinary I'm afraid I would not exhaust all the important scenarios and themes that are supposed to be mentioned.

So in this post I would just be posting some of the most important quotes and lines in the movie Forrest Gump. 

Some of them are serious, symbolic and some of them are funny, I hope this post will bring back memories of the film which exhibits hope and acceptance towards life. May all of us have a positive view in life.

Snow Piercer: Movie Summary and Review

Yesterday me and my Girlfriend decided to watch a movie and we come to an agreement that it would be this film, so I wrote something about it, It may be a movie review or a summary or even both. 
All in all I would give the movie a 7 out of 10, for its story line, suspense, cinematography etc.